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In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!
Grow Children's Ministry Curriculum and Annual Strategy. ©2018 Stuff You Can Use. All rights reserved.
Join us on Sunday mornings for Children's Church as we continue with our new curriculum through Grow. We go downstairs immediately following worship. We are excited about this new opportunity to see students Grow in Jesus.
Our current series is "GLOW IN THE DARK"
Just a few words about this month's unit from our friends at Grow Children's Ministry: